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Memo To Mother Nature: It's Spring, Remember!


Photo Courtesy WTEN ABC 10. Accident on the Northway in Warrensburg Friday, northbound, between exists 24 and 25

Oh, what a day it was yesterday. Ice storms, freezing rain, snow plows and sand  trucks out in force in greater Schroon, while cars and trucks were wiping put all over the North Country. Just a typical Spring Day in the Adirondacks! For most of us, the news is not good for the next few days and it is great news for those skiers enjoying one of the longest seasons in recent years at Gore Mountain. From the National Weather Service:

More on our weekend weather, after the jump:

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Throwback Thursday

Back in the day, each vacation a family took wouldn't be complete without one or both of the following: a postcard sent to family and friends back home, with the pre-requisite "Wish You Were Here" and a collection of souvenirs for the kids.

In the 19450s and 1950s, a popular rememberance of a trip away was a felt pennant. We recently accquired this one featuring our beloved SchroonLake on Ebay. For something more than 50 years old, it's in pretty good shape -- although it's missing the very tip.

What souvenirs do you remember as a kid? And do you still have them? Tell us about them in comments.  


What Does It Take To Open A Restaurant?

Photo: Courtesy Sticks and Stones

Last week we introduced you to the new owners of Sticks and Stones, Steve Holmes and Gary Tromblee, who hope to have their new restaurant open in late May in the space once occupied by Barry Gregson and his incredible wood creations. Along with their friend and contractor Rob, they face a multitude of hurdles, which they have bravely decided to share in their own reality series. Go to our Food section to watch the first installment.


What's that on the ice?

Photo: By Roger Friedman

If you haven't guessed, we will tell you after the jump.

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Lake News: Spring 2013 Edition: Why We Love the SLA & the ESSLA

Schroon Lake, July 2012

As we anxiously await Schroon Lake’s ice out – now is a good time to reflect upon what a terrific job the two guardians of our majestic body of water – The Schroon Lake Association (SLA), and the East Shore Schroon Lake Association (ESSLA) do to protect what is so precious to many of us.

Without the tireless efforts of the volunteers of each association, the future of our lake’s continued health could face uncertainty – but between the combined efforts of each, that’s a vision we hopefully won’t face.

That’s not to say we are in the clear – not by a long shot. There is a constant battle against invasive species that both associations are fighting head on.

There’s a lots to report from both the SLA and ESSLA, so we have rounded up the news from both associations for your reading pleasure.

But before we get to that, please take a moment to consider joining one or both associations. You can get info about ESSLA here and for SLA click here.

As you will see after reading about their combined activities, every single penny goes into protecting our lake, through the removal of Eurasian Milfoil, funding  a lake steward inspection programs and informing the public about our lake’s health.

First off, the SLA has a new President, Mark Granger. Welcome Mark to your new position. Read the letter he recently sent to SLA Members and friends after the jump:

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