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Entries in Blessing of the Boats (4)


Big Bang Theory: All Part Of *SLOW

Photo: 2011 Labor Day Fire Works At Schroon Lake. SchroonLaker Archives

It's official -- the spectacular fireworks our town is proud of and known for -- will be part of the *Schroon Lake Opening Weekend (S.L.O.W) Festivities over the Memorial Day Weekend in May.

After having a tough time locating a launching site -- which wouldn't incur overtime costs to the Town -- organizers have secured the Word Of Life's mainland dock.

The fireworks display will be part of the weekend's hat tip to Memorial Day, and wil be known as the "Tribute To The Troops" Fireworks display. The fireworks are just one element of what is building up to be a spectacular weekend, which will include a boat parade, blessing of the boats, a town wide garage sale, a Summer Expo in the Town Park, a Memorial Day Service, and a Captain's Lunch or dinner at area restaurants.

To pull off this extraordinary undertaking organizers are looking for volunteers. Contact Shelby Davis at if you can help.


All Aboard Schroon Lake's Opening Memorial Day Weekend

All aboard if you'd like to help out and get in on the action for Schroon's first ever Opening Weekend. Organizer Shelby Davis is hosting an open house at Mr. P's for all those interested in lending their support to the official launch of the Summer Season on Thursday, April 5, 9 am.

Meanwhile, the first entrant into the Boat Parade has signed up. From Shelby:

Just received our first registration for the Boat Parade! Thanks Warren County Undersherriff Michael Badger, we are looking forward to seeing the Marine Detail on the lake 5/26 and in the parade!

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Schroon’s Opening Weekend Getting Bigger

Schroon Lake’s Opening Weekend celebration over the Memorial Day Holiday just got a little bigger, with the addition of a Summer Expo in the Park, organizers announced today.

The expo will hopefully feature artists, crafters, local restaurants, business, farmers with produce and community groups, Shelby Davis, one of the organizers told Schroon Laker.

“This is a terrific way for local artists and business to get exposure early in the season,” Shelby said today.

The expo is in addition to the already announced festivities which include a  Blessing of the Boat Fleet,  a boat parade around the lake, a Memorial Service for Vets, a town wide garage sale and a Captain’s Dinner to be hosted at local restaurants.

“We originally planned to have a boat themed market and swap meet to coincide with our blessing of the boats. We still want to do that, but we wanted to open it up to other groups.”

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Schroon Lake’s Opening Weekend

A parade and blessing of boats, a Captain’s Dinner, a dock side nautical themed flea market, a town wide garage sale, topped off by fireworks, could all be part of a new annual tradition being planned to kick off the unofficial start of summer on Memorial Day.

The event is being billed as “Schroon Lake’s Opening Weekend” and is being sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.

“We have our July 4th Parade and fireworks, our Labor Day celebration and fireworks, and we were looking at doing something to start the season,” Shelby Davis, restaurateur and one of the organizers, told Schroon Laker today.

Shelby said the idea for a blessing of the boats and parade was the idea of Sharon Piper, co-owner of the Schroon Lake Bed and Breakfast. “Full credit goes to Sharon. It’s a wonderful idea. We are now looking at ways to expand on it to make it a whole weekend event”.

The highlight of the weekend would be a Saturday parade of watercraft and blessing of the boats.

“This weekend is traditionally the first weekend, boat owners put their boats in”. Shelby hopes boaters would get into the spirit of the day by dressing up and decorating their water craft.

“We would then have a parade around the lake. We want to actively involve our other lakeside towns of Adirondack and Horicon so they will become part of the parade route.”

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