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All Signs Point To Schroon

Up until 1966, there was no shortage of traffic rumbling through Schroon Lake, when Route 9, known then as the International Highway, ran right through downtown heading north to Canada.

But with the completion of the I-87 Northway, that large volume of traffic disappeared  -- making Schroon the quiet little hamlet that it is today -- but also diverting business away from our town.

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Schroon's Post Office To Get Busier?

Schroon Lake’s Post Office might be getting a little busier, if a review of  the viability of the post office in North Hudson results in its closure.

On Tuesday, the US Postal Service issued a list of 3,653 post office they are reviewing for potential closure. On the list is the post office in North Hudson and three in the Johnsburg area. From The PostStar:

As in Johnsburg, the rural and isolated inhabitants of North Hudson would face a 10-mile drive to the nearest office in Schroon Lake if the local location is shuttered.

"I heard we might be on the short list," said Jean McKee, an administrative clerk for the town of North Hudson, who makes daily runs to the post office. "I think it's awful."

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The Nicest Day Of The Week?

After the drenching that we got yesterday, The Sun Godess has blessed us with what might be the best day of the week. How did you fair in yesterday’s downpour and how will you spend this sunny day? Tell us in comments.


Summer Fun In Over Drive

Photo By Annette Batson

Sure, you could be content to just lay around, enjoy the lake, read that book, go swimming, fishing, kayaking and relax in your hammock – or you could be doing that and all these activities:

Wednesday (That's today if you've lost track of time)

10 am – 2 pm Used Book Sale in The Basement of the Health Building. Sponsored by Friends of The Library.

11 am – 12 pm Theseus and the Minotaur, a play for kids by ADK Shakes (See story below). Boat House Theatre.

6:30 pm Sunset Cruise. Departs from the Town Dock. Everything supplied. Call 518-532-9745 for pricing and availability.

7 pm Square Dance @The Town Park. Called by Ed Lowman and Friends.

7 pm Book Discussion on Born On A Blue Day @ The Town Hall Meeting Room, sponsored by the Library.

8pm The Tales Of Hoffman @ the Seagle Music Colony.  First of 4 shows tonight. 

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Kids Inspire Their Own Shakespeare Show

When ADK Shakes set up shop in Schroon Lake last year, the company was amazed by the number of kids that were turning up at their performances. Kids as young as four were "mesmerized" by the performances, recalled Tara Bradway, the show’s Artistic Director.

"They were wrapped. The kids got it. They are a lot smarter than a lot of adults give them credit for in understanding Shakespeare."

That experience led to a special commission of an adapted Shakespeare work just for kids, "Theseus And The Minotaur", two of the characters from  A Midsummer Night’s Dream. True to their roots, the performance Wednesday will be in “raw” form, where the focus is on the words --- not the sets or costumes. Says Tara:

The play encourages children to use their imaginations -- which they are so wonderful at doing. We are using simple props -- a ship is made from two dowels and a swath of fabric. The same fabric is used to veil the Minotaur. The actors employ considerable energy in order to bring the story to life, but it's really the children who provide that final step of creating the play.

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