MAY 2013

May 2. Thursday's Open Mic Night at Witherbee's returns! Hosted by Tom and Linda.
May 3. Mr. P's Mountain Smokehouse re-opens after a big Spring Cleaning!
May 4. 6th Annual North Hudson Classic Car Show and Drag Strip Reunion. North Hudson Town Hall and Fire House. Starts at 9am - 4pm
May 4. Auction at Gokey's. North Hudson 4pm. Preview at 2pm.
May 4. Free Movies at the Schroon Lake Library. Brother Bear at at 12:30 pm, rated G. Outside snacks and beverages are allowed as long as the snacks are easily cleaned up and the beverages have lids. Children under 8 must be accompanied by a responsible adult such as a parent, guardian or caregiver over the age of 16. And tonight it's Life of Pi -- an incrible movie -- rated PG.
May 4. Shamanic Journey with Katrina Clay. True North Yoga. 7pm Free.
May 9. Thursday's Open Mic Night at Witherbee's returns! Hosted by Mark Piper.
May 11. Schroon Lake Spruce Up Day
May 11. New Moon Circle For Women. True North Yoga. Free!
May 14. Story Time with crafts, songs and snacks. 10.30 am at the Library
May 16 Thursday's Open Mic Night at Witherbee's returns! Hosted by Mark Piper.
May 18 Annual Schroon C;ean up day and Garden sale at the Community Garden.
May 18 Dethrone Your Inner Drama Queen with the Bona Fie Butterflies @True North Yoga - (518) 810-7871
May 23 Thursday's Open Mic Night at Witherbee's returns! Hosted by Mark Piper.
May 24, 25, 26. Schroon Lake Opening Weekend, town wide garage sales and Summer Expo in The Park!
May 25. Lions Club Garage sale @ The Boathouse
May 26. Lions Club Auction @ The Boathouse. 518-832-9769
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