Fun Cheap and Really Cool Backyard and Garden Tricks

Buzzfeed presents 32 of the neatest tricks you can use in your backyard and garden. Tell us what's your favorite in our comments section.
Buzzfeed presents 32 of the neatest tricks you can use in your backyard and garden. Tell us what's your favorite in our comments section.
We came across creative uses of old household goods from Pam Lemza Putnam and her Pinterest Page: The Adirondack Garden. Do you have creative uses and ways to recycle unwanted household goods in your garden? Tell us in comments.
There are no shortage of takers for those now bare plots at the Community Garden -- which will hopefully soon be bursting with color and a bounty of veggies.
All of the plots have been spoken for -- and there's now a waiting list as the Chamber of Commerece waits to hear back from folks who have not yet indicated if the will be back again this year.
"There has a been a lot of interest. We've got four people on the waiting list. It's been extremely popular," Rosemarie Ritson told Schroon Laker.
Remember, this space here is devoted entirely for both fans and farmers of the Community Garden, so don't be shy and share with us what you will be growing this year.
The New York Times recently ran a story which caught our eye about how to have a garden, without really having a garden. If you have access to some straw bales, you will be good to go. You can read the story here and check out a detailed diagram (above) courtesy of an illustration in a book by straw bale garden expert Joel Karsten, here.
We've provided a link to Amazon if you'd like to learn more about Straw Bale Gardens: The Breakthrough Method for Growing Vegetables Anywhere, Earlier and with No Weeding
Have you ever tried this method? Tell us about your results in comments.
By Sharon Piper
Mission: The Schroon Lake Community Garden seeks to build strong community bonds through organic gardening. We seek to provide a space for education, sharing and food production for all residents wishing to participate. We encourage volunteer participation and support of local food charities.
WE GARDEN in an ECO-FRIENDLY WAY. NO pesticides, NO herbicides, NO weedkillers, NO artificial fertilizers.
The Garden will contain both collective areas and individual plots.
Plots are available to individuals, families and organizations for a $15 rental fee.
Proceeds from plot rental will support the garden directly through soil enrichment, seed and tool purchases and communication.
No permanent structures may be added to the property
Dogs and other pets are not allowed in the garden
To create a safe and relaxing environment, please refrain from smoking or playing loud music.
No auto watering systems or drip irrigation allowed and Gardeners must be present in the gardens while watering.
During the garden season (May through September) gardeners must maintain their plot with activities to include tilling, soil amendments, cultivating, weeding, fertilizing and watering etc
Garden plots are to be used for growing flowers and vegetable for personal or charitable use only. Commercial growing or growing trees is not allowed.
Please be considerate of your neighbors when growing tall plants as they can impact the amount of sun on someone else’s plot
All perennial plant material and semi-permanent structures (such as cages and trellises) must be removed at the end of the growing season
Gardeners are responsible for disposing of any unwanted plant materials and non-plant materials as well. The Town will not pick up any trash of any kind.
Since plots are close together, please keep plot borders free of weeds, vines or other plant material which could spoil the enjoyment of neighboring plots.
Plants of an invasive nature are not allowed in the ground. Plants such as mint (very invasive) must be well-contained in a pot or planter. Plants on the state’s noxious weed list are not allowed.
Closely supervise your children. Picking a bouquet for Mommy out of someone else’s plot is not OK.
Removal of vegetables, flowers, or garden equipment without the owner’s consent is theft, the same as any other theft. Please respect other’s garden plots.
When you no longer want your plot, you must notify the Chamber. You can download a PDF of these rules and guidlines here