The North Country Underground Railroad Connection
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 8:37AM
Anthony Batson

The Steamer Burlington: Courtesy Schroon-North Hudson Historical Society

The North Country played a vital role in helping thousands of slaves escape to Canada using the Underground Railroad (UGRR). But how did those who ran the railroad in Albany and the Adirondacks succeed in getting those freedom seekers so far North?  You can find out tomorrow night (Wednesday, April 18) at a special presentation sponsored by the Schroon-North Hudson Historical Society.

The UGRR talk will be presented by historians Mary Liz and Paul Stewart and Don Papson. The Stewarts are co-founders of the Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc. Papson is the founding President of the North Country Underground Railroad Historical Association.

“We’ve had a lot of interest in the Underground Railroad,” Schroon North Hudson Historical Society President Loris Clark told Schroon Laker today.

“I often hear from people who think their homes may have been part of the railroad. This presentation will hopefully help thoe people find out how to investigate if their homes were part of the railroad.”

Through slides and a power piont presentation, The Stwearts and Papson will explain how the Champlain Line of UGRR spread its branches across Northeastern New York, Vermont and Canada. There will aso be a question and answer session.

Where & When: 7 pm.  North Hudson Town Hall, 3024 Route 9, North Hudson, NY 12855; (518) 532-9811

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