Who Won Schroon’s Card Board Box Derby? Ma Nature!
Friday, March 9, 2012 at 12:10PM
Anthony Batson in AADK Kids, Cardboard Box Derby, Mother Nature, Pat Savarie, Schroon lake Glf Course, sintan lotion

Mother  Nature,  the goddess who has deemed this to be one of the snow-less and warmest winter’s on record, has once again cancelled the Town’s annual Card Board Box Derby.

So there  will be no slipping and sliding down the big Hill at the Schroon Lake Golf Course this Sunday.

“We have no snow,” Pat Savarie Town Clerk and Youth Commissioner told us today.

With temperatures Sunday predicted to be in the mid- 50s with brilliant sunny skies, it might be time to break out the suntan lotion.


Article originally appeared on SCHROONLAKER.com (http://schroonlaker.com/).
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