How Much Do We Love Our Library? A Lot!
Monday, February 27, 2012 at 9:54PM
Anthony Batson in ADK Kids, ADK fun, Kindle, Schroon Lake, Schroon Lake For Kids, Schroon Lake Public Library, ebooks, free computer training, free movies, free wi fi, iPad

One of the best kept secrets that Schroon boasts is our library. From the free Wi-Fi, internet access, to the free computer training classes to free films, to terrific kids activities, our library has just above everything you could want. 

And it just got a whole lot better with the introduction of free ebooks, for users of  Kindles, Fires, iPads, Nooks and computers. With a valid library cards, users will be able to check out and download classic and best sellers, anytime and anywhere. And did we menton this is free? From the Schroon Lake Library Winter 2012 Newsletter:

Patrons can choose either a seven or 14 day loan period, and the best part is, the ebooks return themselves so there are no overdue charges.

The Libary is anitcipating a high demand for ebooks so patrons are encouraged to take advantage of the Always Available ebooks with no need for holds. 

Contact the library at 532-7737 ext 13, or stop by to learn more about this fantastic program. What do you like about our Library? Tell us in comments.

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